User Testing | Marie’s

Today we conducted user testing on our first prototype! For the redesign, the dashboard is one of the biggest updates, and the greatest potential impact for the baker and owner’s experience. For testing, we decided to take our dashboard, make it relatively high fidelity, to collect the most realistic feedback, and test it out. Testing allow us to test our own assumptions and to observe the user’s assumptions.
I took my mock ups into invision and made it interactive. Over the phone and through screen sharing, we did a think a loud exercise and task-based testing.
We got a lot of great feedback and insight into the design. First and foremost, it became much clearer to me just how significant this project was. I knew that this product would be used everyday, however what I didn’t realize, was that this product would function also as communication between the baker and her team. How would she know what was up to date, what new orders were in, and what orders were delivered through out her day? The implications of my design decisions became a lot more tangible. This product would not only impact her experience and business but also her relationships with her team. We also got feedback around her work flow, and insights into future additions.
For this update we decided to focus on the interactions between the customer/vendor and the baker, from the order to the package. However through testing we learned that the delivery experience also needed assistance, from tracking orders, to picking up to dropping off goods, to making additional sales. We decided that this problem space would be a good place to return to, and that we would incorporate a cupcake version into our update.
Important feedback around content was also collected. Moving forward, we hope to test again once the product is about 90% there to get more feedback.

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